Meeting up with another friend, Barbara, to look for the Pine Warbler and Orchard Oriole...
Birding through Madera Canyon and up Florida Canyon, seeing Hepatic Tanager, Rufous-capped Warbler, Olive Warbler, and Arizona Woodpecker...
Hiking up Ventana Canyon, finding a Magnificent Hummingbird and seeing dozens of Black-chinned Sparrows and other desert birds...
These are the memorable things that filled the 3-day weekend I spent with Matthew, who drove all the way from Laguna Beach.
Arriving at Madera Canyon, snow still on the shaded slopes where we hiked.

Matthew paying the $5 fee.

A Gray Hairstreak (rather worn) at Evergreen Cemetery, where we did not find the Pine Warbler, but did see 7 Vermilion Flycatchers and several West Coast Ladies.

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