Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Being Domestic Between Tours

When I'm home for just a few days between tours – this time it's five days between tours to Jamaica and Costa Rica, it's hard to catch up on my kitchen-related hobbies.

Bread-making is something I love to do, and I took full advantage of being home for several weeks this winter to try all kinds of different recipes. This was just before I left for this latest spate of tours, but it's not something I can even start on this time. Sprouting the wheat or spelt, rejuvenating the mother starter, and even thinking about baking would take more time than I have. But I promise to get started on it again as soon as I get back from Costa Rica.

But taking the next step on my limoncello is a priority today or tomorrow. This photo shows the first process, a bit different from last year's batch. Instead of gleaned Meyer lemons, where I used the entire peel, these are standard lemons, organic, from the local farmers market. (Organic to ensure no chemicals in the rind are leached into the alcohol.) Furthermore, I zested the lemons instead of peeling them, and in addition to avoiding the bitter white pith, this should shorten the time needed for maceration – with whole peel 6 to 8 weeks is recommended. Now I have to add simple syrup to the mix, but there are some recipes that recommend filtering the zest out first. What shall I do?

You'll see that I'm not wasting the lemon juice by freezing it in ice cube trays, later putting the cubes in a sealable freezer bag.

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